Our work


 The SkillHUBS  project aims:

  • To enhance prison counsellors’/mentors’ capacity to for skills assessment, recognition, validation and development of inmates with innovative tools and methods.
  • To up-skill and re-skill inmates with selected basic and transversal skills needed for contemporary and future occupations through development of highly innovative transnational model “skillHUBS”. We will focus on acquisition of:
  1. BASIC SKILLS: Literacy, numeracy and ICT skills as well as on
  2. TRANSVERSAL SKILLS: Complex problem solving, Critical thinking and Creativity.
  • To provide recommendations for introduction of the model in national prison education systems with an aim to equip the inmates with basic and 2020 skills and thus improve their integration into education system, labour market and mainstream society after the sentence


The consortium will:

  • Develop innovative methodologies (methodology for skills assessment, recognition and validation adapted to prison population; methodology for preparation of individualized problem-oriented, real-life scenarios for up-skilling and re-skilling of inmates; methodology for preparation of individualized document of learning achievements for inmates that will include educational goals, learning contents, record of achieved skills, mentor’s views on one’s progress)
  • Test the model in 3 selected countries –Slovenia, Malta and Romania – evaluate the impact of the model. Based on the pilot implementation and evaluation results the SkillHUBS model will be finalized.
  • Elaborate recommendations for introduction of the model in national prison education systems in other EU countries.

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